Farmacie Isolde procures useful and unusual seeds from around the world.

We offer seeds produced by small independent growers, meticulously selected for medicinal use, historic significance, or for ease of culture in the home garden.

Farmacie Isolde grows in and ships from the Hudson Valley in New York.


Dual-Purpose Vegetables

When designing a small kitchen garden, the value of dual-purpose vegetables cannot be overstated. Some plants, like Oaxacan Green Corn, are not only dual-purpose, but multi-purpose, as the stalks function as a trellis for climbing pole beans. These are a few of our favorite space-saving varieties for small gardens.

Oaxacan Green Corn -- Perfect for both elotes (young grilled sweet corn) and masa (mature dried dent corn that has been nixtamalized and ground), this corn has been grown in Oaxaca, Mexico for hundreds of years. Tall sturdy plants happily host climbing pole beans.

Trail of Tears Pole Bean -- An historic Native American heirloom that produces both very good fresh green beans and excellent dried black beans. Extremely productive vigorous vines. Train them up the stalks of tall corn or sunflowers to conserve garden space.

Zapallito de Tronco -- These peculiar dark green pumpkins make fantastic zucchini picked young, when their delicious creamy green flesh makes for incredible Zapallitos Rellenos. Mature squash have dense orange flesh that is perfect for rich winter soups. Cured pumpkins keep the entire winter. Plants are relatively tidy and bushy, not sprawling.

Tromba d'Albenga -- An unusual C. moschata that produces superb zucchini. Vigorous vining plants should be trellised. Immature pale green fruits should be picked when no more than 1'-2' long for zucchini. Fruits left on the vine to mature will produce extremely long and skinny buff-colored keepers with seeds sequestered in a bulb on one end. Excellent flavor. Easily cubed and roasted and tossed into winter soups and salads.

MacGregor's Favorite Beet -- Improved selection of an old Scottish heirloom whose tender delicious foliage is a stunning shade of metallic burgundy. Harvest leaves throughout the season, and in autumn harvest the long dense red roots for roasting or pickling. One of the most ornamental edibles for the garden, and one that wastes no space.

Boldor Beet -- This modern selection has sweet tender bright green leaves with beautiful glowing golden ribs AND produces a perfectly uniform and sweet golden yellow beet in just 55 days. Two crops of both chard and beets may be had in a single season in many locations!

Purple Peacock Broccoli -- Bred by Frank Morton, this crazy amalgamation of broccoli and kale is entirely edible and produces both tasty edible buds with thick crisp stems AND lots of nutritious tender leaves. Also fabulously colorful, especially in autumn and early winter.

Shunkyo Radish -- This Chinese summer radish may be sown throughout the growing season and produces gorgeous long pink sweet spicy roots as well as nutritious and tender pink-ribbed greens that have NO PRICKLES! Really! Harvest in just 30 days!

Asparagus Bean -- Peculiar climbing tropical legume that produces unique and delicious high-protein winged pods. Nutritious starchy roots may be harvested in autumn and prepared like potatoes. Leaves may be eaten like spinach at any time, although in non-tropical locations this may not be adviseable until just before a killing frost, as it may adversely affect the health and continued growth of the plant. Truly an eat-all vegetable. Even the beautiful blue flowers are edible!

Notes on Growing Tomatoes

What We're Planting This Week