Dahlberg Daisy
Dahlberg Daisy
Thymophylla tenuiloba
Endemic to Texas and Northern Mexico, this aromatic little species is a charming addition to dry sunny soils almost anywhere. Growing to just 8" or so, the plants spread, and when grown in containers or along paths they will spill over the edges. Very nice with Moss Verbena along paths in the vegetable garden.
Easy to grow, but slow to bloom. Best started indoors as early in the season as possible: press seeds into moist soil, mist carefully with warm water and cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept warm and moist in bright light seeds germinate in a week or two. Prick out to grow on in individual cells or small pots in bright light at warm room temperature. Harden off thoroughly before planting outdoors into warm sunny soils, in a container or in the ground, after all danger of frost has passed. Water just until established. Fairly tolerant of heat and drought. Will sometimes peter out if too stressed, but sheering spent flowers and watering will see them spring back to life in no time.
Super floriferous once established, blooming without fuss all summer and autumn. In nurseries these plants are becoming fairly common in pre-planted hanging baskets. They are really great along the edges of raised beds, where the plants spill out over the sides looking for light. Just so adorable and easy.
Packet contains around 500 seeds.