Woodland Tobacco

Woodland Tobacco



Nicotiana sylvestris

This dramatic Nicotiana will grow to at least 5’ and much taller in rich fertile soil, and is absolutely stunning en masse. Pendant clusters of long white tubular flowers are abundant and magical, especially in the late evening. Plants are broad and dramatic and given the opportunity a single plant may span 3' or more in breadth. Highly recommended for natural landscaping and moon gardens. Very nice with Tithonia as an end cap to rows of corn or trellised tomatoes. Flowers release a sweet perfume once the sun has set. Several plants will gently perfume the entire garden.

Start seeds indoors with the tomatoes, around 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost: press seeds into moist soil and mist carefully with warm water. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm (around 75°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in a week or so. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual 3" containers or 2" cells when they have true leaves. Keep warm and in bright light until hardening off and transplanting into full sun after all danger of frost has passed. Water frequently until established, after which they will require little intervention.

We love to grow this species with the ‘Jasmine Tobacco’, Nicotiana alata. They are at their best at different times of the day and this species is slightly taller. Together they make a nice “wall” of fragrant white flowers for moonlit gardens.

Packet contains around 500 seeds.

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