Glossy Epazote

Glossy Epazote



Chenopodium ambrosioides


This fantastic little weed-like herb contributes significantly to the unique flavor of authentic Mexican cuisine. It makes a fine container plant, requiring little more than full sun and a drink now and then, and maybe a trim to stop it going to seed. This selection from Frank Morton features bright shiny leaves, hence the name ‘Glossy’.

For cooking, consider using a single multi-leaved sprig of Epazote, as you would a bay leaf: one sprig is enough to flavor a whole pot of beans, and can be removed in its entirety before serving. Several recipes will call for a single leaf, or possibly a tablespoon at the most. Even used sparingly, its inclusion is profound.

No single person or small family needs more than one plant of Epazote. Start several seedlings of this variety and gift the rest to friends, potted up in painted terra cotta, accompanied by a good bean soup recipe.

Sow indoors just about a month before the last spring frost, or any time, really! Press seeds into moist soil and mist. Kept warm (70°F) and moist in bright light seeds will germinate within a week or two. Germination can be erratic. Prick out seedlings as they germinate and pot them up in individual containers or cells. Keep seedlings warm and in bright light. Do not overwater. Snip to encourage branching.

Epazote left unattended can be unsightly and self-sow to the point of being a nuissance. We like to keep these plants in small terra cotta pots to curtail their growth, and keep them close enough to make snipping sprigs convenient. They may be grown in a warm sunny windowsill through winter. Do not allow them to go to seed if at all possible.

Also known as “wormseed", an essential oil of Epazote seeds was historically administered as an anti-parasitic. Farmacie Isolde does not recommend that anyone self-administer Epazote seeds or their essential oil, the latter of which is as toxic to humans as it is to parasites.

Epazote should not be confused with Huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri). You won't want to eat Epazote by the handful.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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