Golden Gopher

Golden Gopher



Cucumis melo


An exceptionally sweet little cantaloupe bred by the University of Minnesota nearly a century ago and available to gardeners today thanks to the hard work of Sand Hill Preservation in Iowa. Ideal for the short seasons of the upper Midwest and Mountain West, but also easy and delicious here in the Hudson Valley. Disease-resistant vines produce fragrant 6" round fruit that slips effortlessly when ripe. Melons that do not slip are not ripe. Check frequently lest these sweet juicy melons split and rot in the garden!

Sow seeds directly into the garden in full sun once soil has warmed to at least 65°F. Tuck almost 1" below the surface of soil amended with plenty of compost and fish bone meal and press to keep seed snug. Water generously at least once daily until seeds germinate. Thin if necessary to around two or maybe three plants per hill (hills should be at least 4' apart) or around 18" apart if growing in rows or in a big bed. Melons can be a great companion for okra, and the seeds should be sown at the same time as transplanting your okra starts. Space the okra generously and allow melon vines to ramble beneath and between the okra plants. Collect both ripe melons and young tender okra pods daily in late summer, around 85 days after planting.

Packet contains at least 30 seeds.

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