Colombian Greenberry

Colombian Greenberry



Solanum sp. (physalifolium)

An interesting little Solanum from Colombia that actually produces super sweet delicious fruits. The plants, while somewhat weedy looking, are wonderfully compact and sturdy. Matte green fruits are set in abundance and ripen to a translucent glossy green. Harvest when the sepals have lightened and turned away from the fruit. Be aware that the local birds may also learn this little trick, and snag these sweet fruits with cunning precision.

Original seed stock was labeled “Solanum physalifolium", although this plant has little in common with what we know as S. physalifolium in North America. Possibly Solanum opacum. Part of the expansive, convoluted, and poorly classified Morelloid Clade of the Solanaceae family. If you have wild Solanum physalifolium in your area and wish to save seeds from these plants, be sure to bag flowering stems to avoid any potential cross-pollination. Better safe than sorry.

Start indoors with the tomatillos, around 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Plants grow to around 1' in all directions and are happy in a container on the patio. Give them full sun and allow to dry out a bit between waterings. No need to fertilize.

Very precocious; our plants began setting fruit before we could get them out of their nursery pots. Very genuinely sweet, if a bit seedy. Ideal for sauces, jams and jellies. Productive in both the hot dry summer of 2020 and the cool wet summer of 2021. Truly a very nice find for fans of unusual edible solanums.

Grown by Farmacie Isolde.

Packet contains at least 20 seeds.

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