Winged Asparagus Bean

Winged Asparagus Bean



Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

Day-neutral! Begins to flower in July at northern latitudes.

Native to tropical Asia. Vining plants produce beautiful blue edible flowers and unique winged pods that are best eaten steamed or stir fried when no more than 3". Starchy roots may be harvested in autumn and eaten like potatoes. One of the most useful, attractive and nutritious plants available to gardeners.

Best started indoors. Nick and soak seeds for 24 - 48 hours in hot water before sowing. Sow about 1/2” deep in warm moist soil. Cover pots with plastic to maintain moisture and warmth. Seeds require a consistent temperature of 80°F and bright light to germinate. Prick out germinated seeds to grow on in deep pots until transplanting outdoors in to very warm soil in full sun. Plants are most vigorous and productive in a hot summer and can grow to 12’ where they are happy. Day neutral but still challenging in non-tropical climates. Worth the trouble.

Packet contains at least 15 seeds.

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