



Centaurium erythraea


This diminutive European biennial has charming pink flowers on stems rarely taller than 1' erupting from a compact and hardy rosette. Infusion or tincture of the dried flowering tops is an ancient bitter tonic that is also useful as an antipyretic. Nice in combination with dandelion in the treatment of mild hepatic dysfunction. Potentially hypoglycemic.

Centaury is not particular about soil but is certainly most attractive in rich fertile garden environs. Will self-sow indefinitely where it is happy. Start seeds in flats. These very tiny seeds should not be covered! Just sprinkle very sparingly and mist gently. Germination is erratic and is hastened by cool variable temperatures. Avoid heat!

Blooms in the second year. Harvest tops just as they come into bloom. Allow at least some plants to go to seed so that this species may grace your garden for years to come.

Packet contains around 500 tiny seeds.

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