Corsican Rue
Corsican Rue
Ruta corsica
An incredibly goofy little plant that smells like popcorn. Rare in nature and rare in cultivation. Perennial, but sadly not at all hardy in New York. Worth the trouble of growing it anyway. Lovely blue green foliage like common rue, but smaller and glossier and just totally adorable. Branches of mature specimens grow in a cattywampus pattern that is unlike any other herb we know of. Such a charming little plant.
We use this species in the same way that we use common Rue, which is not at all. Contact with the foliage can result in photodermatitis. Wearing gloves when handling these plants is advised.
Seeds require cool (but not freezing) temperatures to break dormancy. Sow seeds into pots of moist soil, mist generously and cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Pop into the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks before returning to room temperature in bright light to germinate over the course of a few weeks. Germination will be erratic so do be patient. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual 3" pots at warm temperatures in bright light. Water infrequently but fertilize weekly with dilute seaweed extract to encourage root development. Harden off thoroughly before transplanting into sunny dry soil long after all danger of frost has passed. Plants may also be grown in small terra cotta pots on the patio. These plants absolutely require full sun and heat to thrive. Allow to dry out between waterings. Continual applications of seaweed based fertlizers will help these plants to grow vigorously in their first year, and where they are not hardy this is especially imperative.
Grows to around 1' in bloom. Hardy in zone 7. Adapted to a very nearly frost-free Mediterranean climate.
Packet contains at least 30 seeds.