Fringed Pink

Fringed Pink



Dianthus superbus


One of the most fragrant species, even among the very fragrant genus of Dianthus, D. superbus produces unique edible flowers on 18”-30" stems arising from a tidy evergreen mound of blue-green ground-hugging foliage. Pale lilac-rose petals are dramatically fringed and very sweetly scented. Flowers are edible and will perfume syrups and sodas.

Dianthus requires full sun and sharply drained soil. Culture is similar to lavender. Plants will not overwinter in wet soil. Its long stems make it an awkward addition to the Alpine garden, though it would certainly be happy there. Hardy to zone 3.

This species shines as a fragrant cut flower and in culinary preparations. Blossoms are best appreciated directly beneath your nose, or candied on a cupcake. Extraordinary (and challenging) as a pressed flower.

Sow indoors at least 8-10 weeks before the last frost: press seeds into moist soil, mist; kept warm (75°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in 1-2 weeks. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual containers or cells. Keep warm and in bright light. Plants are very slow to grow initially. Do not overwater. Transplant to loose, very well-drained soil in full sun after all danger of frost has past. Water regularly just until established. Space seedlings at least 1' apart as they will eventually spread to form dense mats of evergreen foliage.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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