Hose-in-Hose Cowslip

Hose-in-Hose Cowslip



Primula veris

Cherished by collectors for centuries, this charming little mutant cowslip has a second perfectly formed flower protruding from each of its flowers. This ancient species is commonly regarded as a harbinger of spring. References to this diminutive and fragrant little plant abound in English literature.

The sweetly fragrant flowers of Primula veris are edible and were historically candied or brewed into a wine with sugar, lemon and water. Several thousand flowers are required for the latter, and thanks to herbcides and habitat destruction it is unlikely that enough flowers can be procured to this end in the modern era.

Primula veris is hardy to at least zone 5, prefers moist soil in part sun, and grows to just 10". It is a wonderful companion for violets, crocuses and alpine forget-me-nots. This species will also be happy in a container if kept out of hot sun and watered frequently. Container culture is a great way to appreciate up close the unique but diminutive flowers of Hose-in-Hose.

Though most seedlings will exhibit the curious ingeminated phenomenon, you may also discover unremarkable flowers amongst your plants. Please do not cull any of these seedlings, as the charm and fragrance of this inconspicuous, deer-resistant and undemanding species makes it worth having in your garden in great quantity.

Seeds germinate best in early spring after a period of damp cold. Sow outdoors in situ in late autumn to early winter or very early spring. Or sow indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost: press seeds into moist soil, barely covering with fine vermiculite and mist thoroughly. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept moist and cool (50°-60°F) in not-too-bright light, seeds will germinate within 3-6 weeks. Alternatively you may keep the pot in a sheltered location outdoors, like a screen porch or cold frame. These seeds germinate slowly based on a gradual shift from winter to early spring. Do not attempt to use heat to germinate these seeds. If anything, germination may be hastened by stratifying in the refrigerator for several weeks before returning to cool room temperature (60°F). Whatever method used, check frequently for germination. Pot up seedlings in individual pots and grow on at room temperature in not-too-bright light. Transplant well-rooted seedlings outdoors as soon as soil can be worked.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds

Here is an interesting article regarding the "Hose-In-Hose" phenomenon in the species Primula vulgaris.

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