Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold
Caltha palustris
An ancient and incredibly hardy species native to most of the northern hemisphere. Common to freshwater marshes and damp woodlands. Erupts in a profusion of glowing golden flowers in early spring. An important seasonal source of nectar and pollen for many beneficial insect species. The big glossy leaves are ornamental in their own right. Perfect as a companion for other useful North American natives like duck potatoes and cattails. Spreads politely by both rhizomes and seeds.
These seeds requires at least 8 weeks of stratification to germinate. Press seeds into moist soil and just barely cover with fine vermiculite. Mist generously and cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Place pot in the refrigerator for two months and bring pot to cool room temperature in bright light. Sown seeds may also be placed in a sheltered location (away from direct sun and marauding critters) outdoors in autumn to midwinter and allow seeds to germinate naturally in the spring. This later method has proven to be the most successful for us as these seeds are sometimes reluctant in the extreme to break dormancy.
This species is sensitive to agricultural runoff and has thus been nearly extirpated from many parts of North America. Gardeners with expansive natural landscapes that include fresh water ponds and streams are encouraged to incorporate this species wherever possible.
Packet contains at least 50 seeds.