Pink Pussy Toes

Pink Pussy Toes



Antennaria dioica 'Rubra'

Pussy Toes nestle themselves into every crack and cranny in the exposed shale on our property. Flowers are profoundly soft and adorable, especially in comparison to their chosen environs. Highly recommended for green roofs, abandoned cattle yards, shale outcrops and scree, as well as carefully managed rock gardens. Thrives in poor acidic soils. Stoloniferous plants have grey-green foliage that makes for beautiful contrast with the wine red to pale pink blossoms. Attracts pollinators. A very nice alternative or addition to short spreading sedums.

Historically employed as a medicinal, and in the field may be used as an impromptu treatment for venomous bites, as it is typically found in the same places frequented by snakes.

Germinates easily at 70°F in bright light. Surface sow tiny seeds sparingly indoors or out, and take great care to not wash them out. Hardy to at least zone 4. Perfect for xeriscaping.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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