Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile



Chamaemelum nobile/Anthemis nobilis

An ancient chamomile, having probably been cultivated for thousands of years throughout the old world and beyond before being given the incorrect moniker of “Roman" in the 19th century. It is considered native to Northwestern Europe and a “wild" garden escapee in Rome.

Derived from the Greek “chamai" and “melon", meaning “on the ground" and “apple", Chamomile is the name for several species, but Roman Chamomile most likely inspired the name, as both the low-growing foliage and flowers are distinctly apple-scented. No other chamomile smells as sweet, save for the tiny Pineapple Weed (Matricaria discoidea).

Herbs growing alongside Roman Chamomile have a higher essential oil content, and vegetables grown in its vicinity are frequently described in historic garden literature as being more resilient and better tasting. It does absolutely no harm to start a flat or two of this easy-to-grow little perennial and tuck plants in throughout the garden. Its small stature and politely spreading habit make it useful for pathways and indeed, some gardeners have been known to go to the trouble of creating sublimely scented “chamomile lawns".

Though it does not possess the sweetness we associate with “chamomile tea" (which is typically brewed using German Chamomile), a tea made from Roman Chamomile flowers is considered useful in the treatment of chronic nightmares in adults. Brew the dried flowers in freshly boiled water for no longer than 10 minutes. The addition of honey is highly recommended.

To germinate seeds: scatter over a 72 cell flat of moist soil; press seeds gently into the soil and mist; cover with plastic and place in a warm (but not hot) sunny location; seeds will germinate within a few weeks. Remove plastic promptly once germination begins. Thin to no more than 3 seedlings per cell. Transplant outdoors before plants become rootbound, preferably after the last frost.

Hardy to at least zone 5.

Packet contains a minimum of 1000 seeds.

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