Dwarf Dyer's Chamomile

Dwarf Dyer's Chamomile



Anthemis tinctoria

Super dwarf form of this useful perennial dye plant, topping out at no more than 10" or so. More suitable for the ornamental perennial or herb garden than the common strain, which can sometimes flop if soils are too moist or rich. These compact plants can be shorn of their flowers and the foliage need not be fussed over. Very nice.

Also known as “Golden Marguerite", the flowers of this species yield an excellent and easily procured warm yellow dye. It is a safe and sweetly fragrant dye that is especially appropriate for use with children.

In late spring or early summer, sow seeds with a light hand onto loose garden soil. Barely cover seeds, if at all, and tamp gently. Water daily until seeds have germinated. Thin seedlings to about 6" apart. Consider tucking this chamomile into the vegetable garden, as it was historically considered a panacea for ailing vegetables.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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