Jasmine Tobacco

Jasmine Tobacco



Nicotiana alata

This beautiful and fragrant South American tobacco has been subjected to extensive reselection and hybridization since its introduction to gardens in the 19th century, to the degree that finding something akin to the original wild species has become a real challenge. We were thrilled when these seeds actually produced the tall voluptuous and sweetly fragrant plants of historic horticultural literature. By far the best selection of Nicotiana alata that we have grown!

The white tubular blooms of this species waft a sweet perfume that is indeed akin to that of jasmine. Most potent in the evening and early morning hours, when the flowers open fully and beckon crepuscular pollinators and curious humans. Vigorous plants ultimately can grow to 5’ in rich soils and bloom all season without deadheading. In 2022 we nestled them between towering Tithonia, wildly productive Xochiteco peppers and showy Red Leaf Dahlias, which made for an impressive show, and in one of the most challenging growing seasons we have ever known. The fragrance permeated the garden during the early morning and evening hours, and there were innumerable winged creatures gracing that corner of the garden throughout the day.

We start these seeds indoors about the same time that we start tomato seeds. In pots or flats, press seeds into moist soil, mist carefully with warm water and cover with plastic. Kept warm (around 75°F) and moist in bright light, seeds germinate within a week or two. If started in communal pots, prick out seedlings with true leaves to grow on in individual cells or pots at warm room temperature in bright light. Harden off before transplanting outdoors in full sun once soils have warmed and all danger of frost has passed. Space fairly generously, and water frequently just until established.

Though this species may have been used for smoking and ritual purposes in the distant past, and has certainly more recently been used for smoking in and around Iran, we do not necessarily recommend it be used for this purpose. Best (and spectacular) as a fragrant ornamental.

Packet contains around 500 seeds.

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