Pink Coral Vine

Pink Coral Vine



Antigonon leptopus

This flowering perennial vine is native to Mexico, where it is known as Corallita or Cadena de Amor. It is extremely invasive and difficult to eradicate in tropical climates. Fortunately for gardeners in zone 7 and colder, it makes a fast-growing floriferous climbing annual.

The profusion of pretty bright pink blossoms are edible if cooked, and are popular floured and fried in Southeast Asia. The dried aerial portions are made into a tea to treat the common cold in Jamaica. Several studies have been conducted in an attempt to ascertain any medicinal value of this invasive species, but for those of us in cold winter climates it may be best appreciated as a fast-growing and beautiful ornamental climber. Given a good trellis, it can even be grown in a large pot on a sunny balcony or patio!

Seeds are fairly easy to germinate, their main requirement being HEAT: remove the papery hull from seeds and soak seeds in hot water for several hours, changing water periodically to maintain temperature. Tuck seeds 1/4" to 1/2" deep in moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug, and mist generously with HOT water. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept very warm (80°-85°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate within a week or so. Prick out to grow on in individual 6" containers in bright light and warm temperatures. Transplant outdoors when nighttime temperatures are reliably warm (around 55°F). Provide full sun and a good sturdy trellis or other structure. Water regularly until established, then only during dry spells.

This very vigorous grower should be given plenty of space in the garden. In tropical climates it can grow to 10 METERS, but as an annual in the north it will generally grow to around 10'.

Packet contains at least 10 seeds.

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