Cinnamon Basil

Cinnamon Basil



Ocimum basilicum

One of the most peculiar culinary basils, this selection is grown primarily for ornamental purposes in Mexico. Leaves and flowers possess a unique cinnamon fragrance and flavor. An interesting and unexpected choice for flavoring stone fruit salads, syrups and conserves. Steeped with vanilla beans in cream or coconut cream, this basil makes a very fine whipped or ice cream.

These plants are fantastically ornamental. Growing to nearly 2' in flower, plants have shiny green leaves, striking burgundy stems and bracts and pink flowers. Suitable for cutting.

Start these seeds indoors about 6 weeks before the last spring frost. Press seeds into moist soil, mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic. Kept warm in bright light seeds will germinate in a week or so. Once plants have several sets of true leaves, pinch to encourage branching. Pinch several more times to encourage lush bushy growth. Harden off completely before transplanting into warm garden soil in full sun after all danger of frost has passed.

Like most basils, these plants are frost-tender annuals.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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