Sasklavi Basil

Sasklavi Basil



Ocimum basilicum

Traditional Georgian selection. Green leaves with dusky purple bracts and pale pink flowers. Fresh flavor is fantastic and appropriate for diverse culinary applications, but it is the dried herb that is most impressive and perfumed. Use both dried leaves and bracts in an authentic khmeli suneli.

Easy and unaffected by downy mildew in our garden. One of the most unique culinary basils we've grown. Not the most dramatic in appearance, but the flavor and fragrance are absolutely magical.

Sow seeds indoors around six weeks before the last spring frost. Press seeds into moist soil, just barely dusting with fine vermiculite, and mist generously with warm water. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm (around 70°F) and moist in bright light, seeds should germinate in a week or so. Prick out or thin to one plant per cell and grow on in bright light at warm room temperature. Pinch once plants have several sets of true leaves. Transplant into warm soil in full sun after all danger of frost has passed.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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