Burr Gherkin

Burr Gherkin



Cucumis anguria


An odd little West African cucurbit with a delicious tangy crunch. This selection, grown by Adaptive Seeds in Oregon, is earlier and less spiny than those we’ve offered in the past. We first grew this strain on a bone dry shale ridge during our first year in New York, because we're from Iowa and didn't know any better, and still managed to get a crop! Very forgiving and not vulnerable to the typical afflictions of traditional cucumbers. An ancient cultigen of a non-bitter mutant of Cucumis anguria var. longipes.

Productive vines grow to 8'. Train onto an arbor, trellis, fence or cattle panel. One plant can produce hundreds of little gherkins if kept picked, even in poor soils. Fruits should be harvested when very young, before they fill with seeds. Not only are the seeds no fun to eat, the plant will promptly wind down production if laden with lots of maturing fruit.

Sweet enough to eat out of hand, but these gherkins make fantastic little pickles and hold up fairly well to processing. They're really fantastic and unexpected in a curry. They also look very much like testicles to me and thus are a lot of fun on a relish plate.

Packet contains at least 15 seeds.

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