



Achillea millefoliumPro A'


An improved tetraploid proazulene-rich Yarrow. Ideal strain for use in medicinal preparations.

The flowers attract beneficial insects, and the leaves make a nutritious green mulch that may repel pests. Yarrow is believed to increase the resiliance of neighboring plants in the face of drought and disease. Combine with Nettles and Chamomile in a big bucket of spring water to brew a fantastic (and really stinky) liquid fertilizer.

Yarrow has been used medicinally since humans began writing about using plants medicinally. The flowers and leaves promote healing, and are appropriate, along with plantain leaves, for impromptu wound care. Yarrow flowers were used to flavor beer before the widespread use of hops, and are excellent for use in the experimental home brewery.

As a cut flower, Yarrow holds for a long time in the vase if the leaves are removed (and composted, of course). ‘Pro A' features flowers of true white, an improvement over the drab grey hues of wild plants.

Growing Yarrow on dry, infertile slopes in full sun will produce the highest essential oil content and medicinal value. However, it is extremely adaptable, and will survive in most garden soils and exposures, with the exception of very wet clay and dark shade.

To germinate: sow seed onto surface of moist soil, pressing lightly; mist thoroughly; kept warm (around 70°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will usually germinate within a week. Prick out seedlings once they have two sets of true leaves to grow on in individual pots or cells. Transplant outdoors after the last frost.

Yarrow seeds may be sown directly outdoors onto loose soil after the last frost. Do not cover seed, as they require light to germinate. Water seedlings just until established. Thin to at least 8".

Packet contains a minimum of 500 seeds.

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