



Acmella oleracea viridis

An attractive annual herb that is lately marketed as ‘Lemon Drop'. Native to Brazil (the same region as our beloved Cumari do Para) and now used worldwide for diverse edible and medicinal purposes, including antimalarial. Ornamental and very nice in a small container.

Adorable all-yellow gumdrop flowers contain spilanthol, an analgesic that effectively numbs a toothache. Leaves are nutritious and eaten fresh in salads or cooked as greens. Small plants are surprisingly prolific in production of both leaves and flowers and tolerate frequent harvests. Best flavor and appearance with morning sun and afternoon shade. Foliage tends to scorch in full sun.

Very easy to grow. Start indoors or outdoors at 70°F but do not cover seeds as they require light to germinate. Frost tender. Blooms all season.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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