



Siegesbeckia pubescens

Commonly prescribed in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Siegesbeckia has proven useful in treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, especially those affecting the joints, and is the subject of continued research into potential antitumor properties. An easily grown annual in most temperate zones. Research is very highly recommended. Powerful medicine that is too rarely cultivated in American gardens. This strain has been selected for kirenol content and is appropriate for medicinal use.

Sow directly into loose garden soil around the date of the last frost, or start indoors several weeks before transplanting: sow seeds just below surface of moist soil; mist; cover with plastic; kept warm (70F) and moist in bright light seeds will germinate in a week or so. Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual pots or cells until transplanting outdoors after the last frost. Water just until established.

Siegesbeckia is not picky about soil, but requires full sun. Growth is typically to 5'. Plants may be spaced quite closely, around 6" apart. Harvest aerial portions just prior to flowering. Dried leaves are suitable for use as tea or tincture, and for both internal and external applications. Produces an essential oil, which will be more abundant in plants grown in poor dry soils. Yellow flowers are attractive to pollinating insects.

Mildly toxic, this species should not be used with children. Do not consume fresh leaves. May self-sow where it is happy. Seedlings do not overwinter in Zone 5. Potential for use in collagen synthesis is intriguing!

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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