White Prairie Sage

White Prairie Sage



Artemisia ludoviciana

If you've ever purchased smudge sticks labeled “White Sage", this species is likely what they were composed of. True White Sage (Salvia apiana) is an important medicinal and ceremonial species among western tribes, and is indigenous only to California where it is currently under threat by both fires and foragers.

White Prairie Sage grows wild throughout North America and is in no danger of disappearing. It is a suitable and ethical alternative to true White Sage for all ritual purposes, and can be easily procured from your garden. Used extensively by diverse North American tribes for myriad purposes, ranging from foot odor to nightmares and to “smoke ponies when they have the distemper". The species epithet commemorates its “discovery" by Lewis and Clark as they explored land then known as the Louisiana Purchase.

Easy to grow. Press seeds into moist soil, mist, and cover with plastic. Kept warm (around 70°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in a week or so. Prick out very small seedlings once they have true leaves and grow on in individual 3" pots in bright light at warm room temperature. Transplant outdoors around the date of the last frost.

Tall spires of silvery white foliage grow to just over 2'. Stoloniferous plants are vigorous and indestructible, creating a large stand in just a few years. Hardy and drought-tolerant, these plants are easy to grow in diverse climates. An excellent candidate for sprawling natural landscapes. Happy alongside several Salvia and Achillea species. Removing underground runners in spring is recommended, lest you have this plant in places it doesn't belong.

Highly recommended for use in smudging. Some sources suggest culinary and medicinal applications, though we do not recommend this species for internal use. There is some evidence to suggest that preparations of this species are a useful biological fungicide. Dryed pulverized leaves may make an interesting alternative to copper or chemical fungicides in the garden.

Packet contains around 100 seeds.

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