Conover's Colossal Asparagus

Conover's Colossal Asparagus



Asparagus officinalis

Big asparagus was a big deal in the 19th century, and illustrations of comically large asparagus spears abound in horticultural catalogs of the era. Conover's Colossal Asparagus is supposed to have originated on Long Island and was introduced to the trade in the latter half of the 19th century. It was possibly the first in a long succession of asparagus varieties advertised to have the most hilariously swollen of swollen spears. Of these, only Conover's continues to be revered in the 21st century.

Asparagus is easy to grow from seed. Seedlings are vigorous and not at all fussy. Spears may be harvested from seed-grown roots very sparingly in the second year, and absolutely willy-nilly in the third.

Start seeds indoors 12-15 weeks before the last frost: soak seeds overnight before pressing into moist soil, barely covering with additional light soil or fine vermiculite, and mist generously. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept warm (70°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate within a few weeks. Transplant seedlings to individual 3" pots or cells to grow on in bright light at room temperature. Seedlings will benefit from weekly applications of dilute fish and seaweed extracts.

Transplant outdoors to their permanent location after the last frost. Asparagus requires at least 6 hours of sun and well-drained weed-free soil. To prepare bed, trench deeply and amend backfill with lots of compost, greensand (or regular sand) and rock phosphate. Hugelkultur is also useful for growing asparagus in heavy soils. Space plants at least 1' apart.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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