Large White Camas

Large White Camas
Camassia leichtlinii alba
The seed for this native edible comes to us by way of the United Kingdom, where it is a treasured ornamental. Though this species is commonly available in the autumn as a bulb (grown in Holland), it is far more economical to utilize seed, especially if the ultimate goal is to naturalize this species to the point of being able to harvest it from your landscape without disrupting its continued replenishment. Furthermore, as Camassia leichtlinii is now relatively rare in its native habitat, procuring seed from abroad seems a more ethical choice than foraging.
Several species of Camas were favored foodstuffs of Native Americans before Europeans and their pigs ruined everything. In ‘The Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington' is an interesting passage regarding the white-flowered Camassia leichtlinii (see photo).
These seeds require stratification to germinate. The easiest and most assured way of germinating them is to pot them up in moist soil and either place the pot outdoors in a sheltered area (an unheated screen porch is perfect) in autumn and allow to germinate as they would in the ground, after several freeze and thaw cycles. The pot may also be placed in the refrigerator for 6-8 weeks and returned to cool room temperature and bright light to germinate. Keep soil moist and check for germination frequently. Do not attempt to use heat to germinate these seeds, as it will likely do more harm than good.
Prick out seedlings to grow on in individual pots or cells. Transplant well-rooted seedlings in spring or autumn. Camassia leichtlinii is extremely hardy and prefers to grow in moist soil. Flowering stalks grow to 3’. Bulbs will flower and be ready to harvest in a few years. Slow roast bulbs in a fire pit. Delish.
Packet contains 50 seeds.