



Camassia quamash

Small Blue Camas. These beautiful hardy plants produce small subterranean bulbs that were once collected in huge quantities for food by diverse indigenous peoples of western North America, where these plants grew in miraculous abundance prior to European conquest. Prefers rich seasonally moist soils in full sun. Smaller in every respect compared to C. leichtlinii, although culture and preparation are virtually the same.

These seeds require stratification to germinate. Tuck seeds beneath moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug, and mist generously with water. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture and refrigerate for around 8 weeks before returning to cool room temperature in bright light to germinate in 2-3 weeks, or simply place the pot in a sheltered location outdoors, like a screen porch or open cold frame, to overwinter. Seeds will begin to germinate in spring. Pot up seedlings in individual 3" pots to grow on in bright light. Transplant well-rooted plants into the garden in spring or autumn. Water generously and mulch. One of the few bulbing species that tolerates clay soils.

From seed these plants take around 3 years to bloom and to produce bulbs worth harvesting. Beautiful blue hyacinth-like flowers top 1'-2' stems in early summer. The strappy green lily-like foliage typically dies back by midsummer. Allow some plants to self-sow. In time this species will politely colonize seasonally moist ground.

Harvest bulbs for food once leaves begin to die back. Choose only the largest bulbs and replant the small ones. These bulbs can be stored for many months. To prepare, the bulbs were traditionally pit roasted or steamed for several hours, even days. This process transforms the starch (which is mainly inulin) to delicious digestible sugars. Reliable sources suggest that the cooked bulbs were then dried for later use, and that the purported use in soups and stews was definitely post-roast.

Hardy to at least zone 4.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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