Foxglove 'Berggold'

Foxglove 'Berggold'



Digitalis purpurea 'Berggold'


An incredible selection of this ancient species. Tall sturdy plants grow to nearly 5', and have big bold deep dark pink flowers. Reliably perennial and will self-sow. Probably the best strain available for natural landscaping.

'Berggold' is unique also in that it is cultivated for pharmacological use in Europe. Digitalin content is exceptionally high. Do not consume any portion of this plant. Herbalists have long abandoned attempts to prepare this species for medicinal use, and for good reason. We offer these seeds for purely ornamental purposes.

These seeds germinate readily in moist soil at cool room temperature. They may also be sown outdoors in spring, or in autumn where winters are mild. Start indoors in late winter for flowers in the first season: press seeds into moist soil and mist generously. Do not cover, as they require light to germinate. Kept moist in bright light, seeds will sprout within a week or two. Prick out seedlings to grow on in deep 3" pots. Do not use heat in an attempt to hasten germination. Likewise, keep seedlings cool and in bright but indirect light. Transplant outdoors around the date of the last frost.

Adaptable to diverse soils and exposures, but best in bright or dappled shade and rich humusy soils. Very nice on the edge of a woodland. Resiliant and hardy, to zone 3 at least. Fairly deerproof as well. If you've never had luck with this species, try 'Berggold'.

Packet contains at least 1000 tiny seeds.

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