Golden Carpet Feverfew

Golden Carpet Feverfew



Tanacetum parthenium aureum

Victorian gardens were host to a tapestry of finely coifed color and texture, and this compact and uniform selection is a relic of that era. The bright chartreuse foliage of Golden Carpet is naturally cropped and demure, and makes a fine edging for annual beds or in pretty pots on the patio. In summer the plants burst into bloom with the little white daisies typical of the species, but these may be trimmed to better maintain a presentable glowing “carpet” of foliage.

Like our beloved Golden Feverfew, Golden Carpet is a hardy short-lived self-sowing perennial that may be easily grown as an annual. Sow seeds indoors in late winter or early spring: press seeds into moist soil and sprinkle very lightly with fine vermiculite. Mist generously with warm water and cover with plastic to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm and moist in bright light seeds should germinate within a week or two. Should any dark green seedlings appear, cull them promptly. Seedlings are very tiny and more fickle than other selections for some reason. Take care to uncover promptly and avoid overwatering but do not allow them to dry out completely. Once seedlings have a few true leaves, prick them out to grow on in individual cells or pots in bright light at warm room temperature. Harden off carefully before transplanting outdoors, into a sunny garden or container.

In the garden this unique selection will cross with other varieties of T. parthenium, so care must be taken when saving seeds. These plants are truly lovely in little terra cotta pots, which can be moved to an isolated space once blooming commences.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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