Scented Penstemon

Scented Penstemon



Penstemon palmeri

Native to the American Southwest, this hardy perennial species is possibly the most spectacular in the genus, with tall sturdy spires of pink snapdragon flowers to around 6'. Wafts a sweet scent that attracts pollinators and hummingbirds. Tolerates hot dry soils, and in northern gardens makes for a spectacular scene where little else of this stature besides goldenrod will grow. However, the best performance and longest bloom is achieved with regular water in sharply drained soils in full sun.

Though a few of these seeds may sprout promptly without any special treatment, we find that they germinate best with some cold. We sow them into pots and set them in a sheltered location outdoors in winter. Germination will occur during the first warm spells of spring. They may also be sown where they are to grow in late winter or very early spring. At least a few freeze and thaw cycles seem to be sufficient. Once germinated, prick out seedlings to grow on in deep pots in bright light, indoors or out. Transplant into well-drained soil in full sun while soils and nights are still quite cool for bloom in the first year. Otherwise transplant anytime, even into late autumn, for bloom in the second and subsequent years.

Very nice for informal xeriscaping in northern gardens. Try it where you might ordinarily plant Yucca. Here in the Northeast mature plants do will with tall goldenrods like Solidago altissima, although over time the goldenrod will probably crowd out the Penstemon. Space generously and weed ruthlessly.

Hardy to zone 3 given good drainage.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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