Tartarian Aster

Tartarian Aster



Aster tataricus

An impressive hardy species from Siberia. Beautiful lavender pink petals with yellow eyes. Blooms for several weeks in autumn. Beloved by bees. Fantastically architectural plants grow to 6', and sometimes much taller given plenty of moisture. Over time they spread to form a large stand. Ideal for natural landscapes and expansive fallscaping.

These seeds require no special treatment to germinate, although germination can be erratic. Press seeds into moist soil and sprinkle generously with vermiculite. Mist generously and cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept at about 70°F in bright light, germination begins in about two weeks and continues over several more weeks. Slow growth initially. Transplant into individual pots or cells once seedlings have true leaves and grow on in bright light at warm room temperature. Harden off and transplant in spring or autumn.

Decoction or syrup made from the dried roots of this species are employed in TCM, most often in the treatment of dry or chronic cough, usually in combination with warming herbs like ginger and Schisandra. Harvest roots in autumn and dry completely for medicinal use. This is also a great way to keep the spread of plants in check, for they will have a substantial meandering root system already in the second autumn. If making medicine does not interest you, consider potting up new growth in spring to share with fellow gardeners.

Moderately deer-resistant, although not so much as our native Asters.

Perfect with towering perennial Maximillian Sunflowers!

Packet contains at least 30 seeds.

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