Pasilla Pepper

Pasilla Pepper



Capsicum annuum

Known as Chilaca when fresh, the dried peppers are dark and wrinkled like a raisin, hence the name “Pasilla". Fresh pods are long and narrow, and ripen from green to brown. Fully ripened and dried pods contribute significantly to traditional recados and moles. Flavor is sweet, complex and subtly smokey, having notes in common with black figs and Keemun tea. Though sometimes listed as hot, they really are not. Heat is variable but mostly it is barely perceptible, like that of common Ancho peppers. The flavor, though, is easily distinguished.

Plants are around 3' tall and fairly productive. One happy plant can produce a couple dozen pods that require around 100 warm days to ripen completely. Start seeds indoors around 10 weeks before the last spring frost. Tuck just beneath the surface of moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug, and mist generously with warm water. Cover to maintain moisture and temperature. Kept warm (around 85°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will typically germinate within two weeks or so. Once seedlings have true leaves, prick out to grow on in individual deep 2" cells or 3" pots at warm room temperature in bright light. Fertilize weekly with dilute fish and seaweed extracts. Harden off thoroughly before transplanting into warm garden soil in full sun when all danger of frost has passed. Allow pods to ripen completely on the plants. Witholding water late in the season will help. If frost threatens, pull entire plants and hang in a warm dry space to encourage continued ripening. Green pods are not useful for drying, and are not particularly good for anything else honestly.

As with Mulato and Guajillo, perfectly dried pods are somewhat pliable and not easily desiccated. We dry them in an oven set to around 170°F for several hours. This process fills the house with wonderful smokey perfume. In hot dry climates, these peppers can be tied into ristras and dried in the sun. Once dried, keep peppers in an airtight jar away from light and heat. Grind or reconstitute as needed.

Packet contains at least 50 seeds.

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