Pink "Currant" Tomato

Pink "Currant" Tomato



Solanum lycopersicum (probably)

We love this little pink tomato. Though it is typically listed as a currant tomato, S. pimpinellifolium, we are not so sure. Like our beloved Coyote and Wild Galapagos, it is more likely a spontaneous natural hybrid. The crazy unmanageable growth habit and impressive disease resistance are similar among these plants, with Pink Currant being the absolute most impervious to late blight of all tomatoes in our garden. The fruits, too, are larger than those of of true S. pimpinellifolium, and produced in bunches rather than trusses.

First listed in 2013 by the late Dr. Carolyn Male, who received the original seeds from a grower named Ted in Florida. We speculate that this may be a selection of Everglades, which is often listed as a “wild" tomato from Florida, although we have never grown them side by side. Whatever the provenance of this Pink “Currant", we love it and recommend it.

These adaptable and disease-resistant plants are huge and difficult to manage. We find that tall sturdy cages help somewhat, but best to give them ample space to sprawl. Situating them next to a tall deer fence helps, and the nibbles of deer barely make a dent. Slow to start in cool climates, but the plants more than make up for this by producing massive amounts of 1/2" pink fruits right up until the first hard freeze. One plant can produce thousands of these sweet little cherries. Flavor is excellent: wonderfully sweet and juicy, with almost no overt tomato flavor. Totally different from the other sweet currants and cherries we've grown. Very subtle and easy to eat by the handful.

These luscious little cherries hold on the plant for quite awhile, but they can split easily when pulled from the calyx. To combat this, simply snip rather than pick, especially if you're growing for mixed cherry baskets or cheese and fruit platters.

Grown by Farmacie Isolde.

Packet contains at least 20 seeds.

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