



Rubia tinctoria

The roots of this species have been cultivated for use as a dye for thousands of years. Good quality inks and lakes may also be obtained from this plant. Madder is widely considered by botanical artists to be the best source of rich lightfast reds.

Once established, Madder is vigorous and spreading, and in rich moist soils it will colonize ground as rapidly as mint. Best grown in relative isolation, where it will not damage other crops. Top growth is somewhat climbing or prostrate and matted. Not exactly a looker.

Listed as hardy to zone 6, but it has been known to overwinter in zone 5. Plants prefer moist soil, although well-drained soil may contribute to better winter performance as well as impede potentially aggressive spread. Roots may be harvested in the second year. Use fresh or dry for future use.

Start seeds indoors several weeks before the last frost: sow seeds about 1/4” deep in moist soil, pressing to keep seed snug and mist generously with warm water. Cover with plastic to maintain moisture. Kept warm (70°F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in two to three weeks. Transplant seedlings to individual containers to grow on at warm temperatures and bright light. Harden off around the date of the last frost and transplant outdoors in full sun. Give plants ample space to grow. Water frequently until established.

Packet contains at least 10 seeds.

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