



Thelesperma filifolium

Also known as Navajo Tea. The entire flowering plant is suitable for use as a yellow or orange dye. The dried flowers alone will give slightly richer and clearer colors, and possibly more desirable results in general, than the whole fresh plant. Carefully harvested plants may provide enough growth for both tea and dye in a single season.

Seeds germinate best with some cold. Sow outdoors in very early spring, or press seed into flats of moist soil, just barely covering with additional soil or fine vermiculite. Mist generously. Kept moist at around 60°-70°F in bright light seeds should begin to germinate within a week or two. Be patient, as germination can be erratic. Harden off before transplanting into well-drained soils in full sun. Handle with care as this plant will resent root disturbance. Water just until established. Seedlings appear very much like grass, so take care when weeding. This plant requires full sun and thrives in hot, dry conditions once established. Hardy in zone 5, but requires very well-drained soil to overwinter.

Packet contains around 300 seeds.

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