Wild Strawberry

Wild Strawberry



Fragaria vesca var. vesca


This wild strawberry is most at home in cool, semi-shaded environments. Delicious red fruits are conspicuously presented on arching stems well above the foliage. Dried leaves make a nutritious and delicious herbal tea that is an excellent substitute for black tea, especially in combination with Betony. Spreads politely by stolons.

These strawberry seeds are easy to germinate indoors: press seeds onto moist soil, mist; cover with platic to maintain moisture; kept warm (65F-75F) and moist in bright light, seeds will germinate in a week or two, usually all at once. Transplant seedlings to individual cells when they have at least two sets of true leaves. Keep warm and in bright light until well-rooted and large enough to transplant outdoors.

Wild Strawberry will appreciate partial shade and regular watering until well-established. Happy plants will slowly spread but are not invasive. Fertilization may increase production of fruit but is not necessary. When harvesting leaves for tea, do not strip plants completely. Flowers are also edible and make an adorable garnish.

Recommended, especially for forest gardens and permaculture.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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