Tartarian Catchfly

Tartarian Catchfly



Silene tatarica

Sublimely fragrant and very easy to grow, this obscure little riparian Catchfly is happiest in moist soils and full sun but will tolerate most typical garden soils as well as some shade once established. Like much of the genus, flowers perk up and sweeten the air in the evening hours and attract pollinating moths. Long lived. Will self-sow. Very impressive en masse.

Once found in abundance along streams and river banks in much of Asia and Eastern Europe, it is now sadly extirpated or endangered in its native habitat.

Seeds may be broadcast where they are to grow in spring or sown in flats indoors anytime. Press seeds onto the surface of moist soil, barely covering with fine vermiculite. Mist carefully with warm water. Kept warm (70°F) and moist in bright light seeds should germinate in a week or two. Transplant seedlings to individual cells to grow on at cool room temperature in natural light until transplanting outdoors after the last spring frost.

Packet contains at least 500 seeds.

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